Oh Christmas Tree

I finally have an apartment I absolutely adore. My living arrangements have been an adventure since I moved out of my parents after college.  I had roommates who disappeared and mice that wouldn't go away (seriously, they were too smart for the mouse traps the exterminator put down. I even tried putting cheese and Reese's on them. Nothing).

Part of what I love about my apartment are the high ceilings and huge windows. As soon as I moved in, I knew where our Christmas tree was going to go. 


As soon as the. Christmas season arrived, I put on my merriest red sweater, puffiest Lilly vest, and monogrammed sunnies, and I started looking for the perfect tree.


It was a little windy. And that made it a little chilly. And that made me want to buy the first tree I saw (a beautiful 10 foot tree WITHOUT bald spots). It was fate.


Luckily, I was able to get the 10 foot tree because I had a helper...  possibly a slightly unwilling helper who thought a smaller tree would have been just fine.


But clearly he was wrong. Look at him standing next to the tree we picked up for my parents! Too tiny! Only a 10 foot tree would do!


And I was right. It's magnificent and fills our apartment with Christmas Cheer!


Merry Merry darlings!
